Coupons valid for 7 days from download or until 1 million free taco coupons are redeemed (including online and print coupons), whichever occurs first. Notice will be posted at if 1 million coupons are redeemed prior to the expiration date and any unredeemed coupons will be void. Free tacos are subject to availability; no substitutions. Not valid with any other offer. Limit one free taco per person. Coupons valid at participating Taco Bell® locations in the U.S. Manager may refuse coupon if manager reasonably believes consumer has already received a free taco or has engaged in any fraudulent activity. Manager's decisions are final. Coupon void if reproduced or transferred and where prohibited.
Yummm eat fast food and lose weight!? I’m skeptical. Good thing they are giving us a sample to try it! Print your coupon!! But why so many limitations? Is this going to be another KFC deal?

My husband enjoyed this freebie. He said it was yummy. Thanks.
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