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From their site:
SHINE TO GO® Shoe Polisher is a no mess, all-in-one, conditioning shoe shine at your fingertips.
Small enough to take with you anywhere, quick enough to use whenever your shoes need polishing, and easy enough to get quality results without all the traditional shoe shine tools and mess.
Just put it in your purse, pocket, briefcase or suitcase. Each SHINE TO GO Shoe Polisher is individually wrapped in a small pouch so it’s each to take with you.
SHINE TO GO Shoe Polisher hides blemishes - the black and brown polishers contain pigments which help to hide scuffs.
Each SHINE TO GO Shoe Polisher, made with patented technology has real cream shoe polish right on the Polisher, and a super-soft buffer on the other side. One SHINE TO GO Shoe Polisher can polish a pair of shoes. Available in black, brown and clear.

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