I had the pleasure of visiting this site Be Bold, Be Bald at Bzzagent Frog Pond. It is a truly amazing and inspiring thing to do!! I like the fact that you can balderize yourself before deciding whether you want to be a part of this. Here is a shout out i received from Smallerarmyjeff
"Thanks for the kind words about Be Bold, be Bald! Glad you liked the balderizer too. We are very excited to know that that you will blogging about us! Hopefully this will lead other people (and your friends!) to join us as well. Please be sure to sign up at http://beboldbebald.org by 8/25 so we can get a participation kit with bald cap and button out to you in time for the event on 9/17. Thanks! http://beboldbebald.org"
Check it out!! Will you be participating?

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